Podsumowanie Walnego Zebrania STN ŚUM 2024

Drodzy Członkowie i Sympatycy Studenckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego,

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że podczas Walnego Zebrania STN ŚUM 11.12.2024 wybrano nowy Zarząd na kadencję 2024/2025! Jesteśmy gotowi do pracy na rzecz rozwoju nauki, wspierania naszych Kół Naukowych i realizacji innowacyjnych projektów. 💡✨


  • Aleksandra Nasiek
    Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze

Zastępcy Przewodniczącej:

  • Julia Herbuś
    Wydział Nauk Farmaceutycznych w Sosnowcu
  • Kornelia Korzan
    Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego w Bytomiu

Members of the Management Board:

Faculty of Medical Sciences in Katowice:

  • Michał Azierski
  • Paweł Kurzelowski

Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze:

  • Piotr Ziobro
  • Jakub Fiegler-Rudol

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sosnowiec:

  • Marta Gędoś
  • Małgorzata Toroń

Faculty of Health Sciences in Katowice:

  • Victoria Śliwka
  • Mateusz Róg

Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego w Bytomiu

  • Martyna Szymańska
  • Justyna Kolasa

Wyniki Rankingu Kół Naukowych za rok 2023/2024 🏆

Z dumą ogłaszamy wyniki tegorocznego rankingu Kół Naukowych. Oto trzy najlepsze Koła, które wyróżniły się swoimi osiągnięciami i zaangażowaniem:

1️⃣ SKN Farmakologii i Genetyki przy Katedrze i Zakładzie Farmakologii
2️⃣ Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Katedrze i Klinice Kardiologii Wydziału Nauk o Zdrowiu w Katowicach
3️⃣ SKN Analiz Informatycznych i Sztucznej Inteligencji

Pełna lista rankingowa: Ranking SKN 2023/2024

Gratulujemy wszystkim członkom i opiekunom naukowym! Jesteście inspiracją dla całej społeczności akademickiej. 🌟

Przyszłość STN ŚUM 🌍

Nowy Zarząd zobowiązuje się do kontynuowania tradycji STN ŚUM oraz do podejmowania nowych wyzwań, które będą wspierać rozwój nauki i pasji wśród studentów. Dziękujemy wszystkim za zaufanie, a także za dotychczasowe zaangażowanie w działalność naszej organizacji.

Zarząd STN ŚUM 2024/2025


Organizer: STN SUM
Date of the Conference: March 15-17, 2024
Deadline for sending abstracts: 18/02/2024
E-mail address of the organizer: wintercasecup@365.sum.edu.pl

Conference website: https://wintercasecup.sum.edu.pl/
Link to the Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1DWfgS5gP
Link to the abstract submission system: https://sf.sum.edu.pl/LokGrWE
Conference regulations: Winter Case Cup 2024 regulations

Winter Case Cup is an annual student scientific conference combining the expansion of medical knowledge through presentations of clinical cases, the so-called "case reports" related to winter sports. The conference is organized by the Student Scientific Society of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice on March 15-17, 2024 at Hala Miziowa (Beskid Śląski). Plenary sessions are planned, which will focus on issues in the field of internal medicine, surgical specializations and pediatrics. Nevertheless, we reserve flexibility in terms of the session topics, with the possibility of adapting them to the submitted works.

We encourage you to submit applications! The number of participants is limited!

Important dates :
Closing of registration of abstracts/active participants: 18.02.2024
Closing the registration of passive participants: 02.03.2024
Final payment date: 03.03.2024

Winter Case Cup is an annual student scientific conference combining the development of medical knowledge through the presentation of clinical cases, with the enjoyment of winter sports. The conference is organized by the Student Scientific Association of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice on March 15-17, 2024 at Hala Miziowa (Silesian Beskid). Plenary sessions will focus on internal medicine, surgical specialties, and pediatrics. However, we reserve flexibility regarding the topics of the sessions, with the possibility of adapting them to the submitted papers.

Submissions are encouraged! The number of participants is limited!

Key deadlines:
Abstract registration deadline/active participants: 18th of February
Passive participation registration deadline: 2nd of March
Payment dealline: 3rd of March

Summary of the STN SUM 2023 General Meeting

During the General Meeting of Members of the Student Scientific Society, a new board of directors of STN SUM in Katowice was elected for the 2023/2025 term. We would like to thank all members who are ending their term of office for the enormous amount of work and time they have devoted to our organization, and at the same time we are looking forward to new challenges waiting just around the corner. As a new team, we will do our best to take STN to an even higher level!

Composition of the new management board:

Chair: Maria Stec
Deputy Chairmen: Kornelia Korzan, Michał Macnar

Members of the Management Board:
-Faculty of Medical Sciences in Katowice: Paweł Kurzel, Radosław Dutczak
-Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze: Aleksandra Nasiek, Vasyl Behun
-Faculty of Health Sciences in Katowice: Wiktoria Śliwka, Mateusz Róg
-Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sosnowiec: Julia Herbuś, Stanisław Kulejewski
-Faculty of Public Health in Bytom: Nikola Śmietana, Natalia Wróbel

The new wheel ranking is available at the link: SKN ranking 22-23 and in the tab Science clubs

Summary of the STN SUM 2022 General Meeting

On December 5, 2022, the General Meeting of the Student Scientific Society was held in auditorium A3 of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Katowice.

After the presentation by the Chairman, the Honorary Award was presented. prof. Franciszek Kokot. This year, the STN SUM Management Board decided to award the Award to prof. Ph.D. n. med. Jerzy Stojka, for his involvement and support in the activities of the SUM Student Scientific Society.

As a result of the by-elections, the following ladies joined the Management Board: Anna Kozub, Korneliand Korzan, Matylda Kosiorz, Julia Woźniakowska. The full composition of the new Management Board can be found in the tab Management Board of SSA SUM in Katowice.

We also had the pleasure of announcing the results of the Student Science Clubs ranking. This year the highest places were achieved by:

The highest places in the Student Science Clubs ranking were taken by:

Student Science Club at the Department and Clinic of Cardiology of WNoZK

Student Scientific Club at the 3rd Department and Clinic of Cardiology of the Medical University of Medical Sciences

3rd place
Student Scientific Club at the Department and Department of Cell Histology and Pathology in Zabrze, WNMZ

Student Scientific Club of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Clinic of WNMK

SKN Psychosocial determinants of health at the Department of Public Health WNoZB

SKN at the Department and Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, WNF


Congratulations. The full ranking is available in the tab Scientific Clubs.

#Join STN 2022

We invite all students to participate in the # conference, join SSA. The conference will allow you to learn the secrets of the operation of the Student Scientific Association and the offer of scientific clubs.

Registration for students is possible at: link.

Template for science clubs

SIMC 2022

Dear students and PhD candidates! We know you've missed us almost as much as we missed you. We're pleased to announce that the International Medical Congress of Silesia will take place 25-27/05/2022. We're waiting for your abstract submissions until 30/04! Registration and regulations are available on our new website. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay tuned!


Dear students and PhD students! We know that you missed us as much as we missed you. It is with great joy that we can officially announce that SIMC 2022 will take place on May 25-27, 2022. We are waiting for your abstracts until April 30. Registration and regulations - are available on our website website! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date!

SIMC on Instagram

SIMC on Facebook

New Regulations on Financing Trips 2022

In response to the evolution of the profile of trips of SSA SUM members to student conferences, the Regulations for the Allocation of Funds for Financing Student Research Trips in the calendar year 2022 have changed.

We encourage you to read the full text of the Regulations, which is available in the tab Funding.

Summary of the STN SUM 2021 General Meeting

On November 24, 2020, the General Meeting of the Student Scientific Society was held in auditorium A3 of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Katowice.

After the presentation by the outgoing Chairwoman, the Honorary Award was presented. prof. Franciszek Kokot. This year, the SSA SUM Management Board decided to award the Award The team of the SUM IT and Informatization Center for the huge contribution made to helping the Society carry out its tasks during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a result of the elections, he became the new Chairman of STN SUM Piotr Lewandowski from the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze, and the Vice-Chairmen Aleksandra Mroskowiak and Maria Stec. The full composition of the new Management Board can be found in the tab Management Board of SSA SUM in Katowice.

We also had the pleasure of announcing the results of the Student Science Clubs ranking. This year the highest places were achieved by:

The highest places in the Student Science Clubs ranking were taken by:

SKN at the Department of Balneoclimatology and Biological Regeneration of the Department of Physiotherapy WNoZK

SKN at the Department and Clinic of Cardiology WNoZK

3rd place
SKN at the 3rd Department and Clinical Department of Cardiology of the Medical University of Medical Sciences

SKN at the Department of Public Health WNoZB

SKN at the Department of Reproductive Health and Sexology, Department of Women's Health, WNoZK

SKN at the Department and Department of Histology and Cell Pathology, Medical University of Silesia

SKN at the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, WNF

SKN at the Department of Histology and Embryology, WNMK


Congratulations. The full ranking is available in the tab Scientific Clubs.

SIMC 2021 qualification

Thank you for all submitted abstracts! We receive over 300 abstracts. Results of qualification will be available next week on our website and sent to e-mails provided during submission.