Summary of the STN SUM 2023 General Meeting

During the General Meeting of Members of the Student Scientific Society, a new board of directors of STN SUM in Katowice was elected for the 2023/2025 term. We would like to thank all members who are ending their term of office for the enormous amount of work and time they have devoted to our organization, and at the same time we are looking forward to new challenges waiting just around the corner. As a new team, we will do our best to take STN to an even higher level!

Composition of the new management board:

Chair: Maria Stec
Deputy Chairmen: Kornelia Korzan, Michał Macnar

Members of the Management Board:
-Faculty of Medical Sciences in Katowice: Paweł Kurzel, Radosław Dutczak
-Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze: Aleksandra Nasiek, Vasyl Behun
-Faculty of Health Sciences in Katowice: Wiktoria Śliwka, Mateusz Róg
-Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sosnowiec: Julia Herbuś, Stanisław Kulejewski
-Faculty of Public Health in Bytom: Nikola Śmietana, Natalia Wróbel

The new wheel ranking is available at the link: SKN ranking 22-23 and in the tab Science clubs